Enhancing the quality of life of people of developing nations.

Background statement

Education allows the pursuit of human rights. It confers a wide set of benefits and strengthens the capabilities of individuals, families and communities to access health, educational, economic, political and cultural opportunities. Yet, on average, less than 60% of the total adult population in sub-Saharan Africa can read and write with understanding-one of the lowest adult literacy rates in the world. The rates are below 40% (the supposed threshold for rapid economic growth to take place) in Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, the Niger, Senegal and Sierra Leone, but above 90% in Seychelles and Zimbabwe.

Women's literacy is of crucial importance in addressing wider issues of gender inequality. Yet, women still account for the majority of the region's adult illiterates, with only 76 literate women for every 100 literate men. Female education and literacy are key factors in a country's development and investments in female education yield high returns in terms of social and economic gains (Floro & Woolf 1990; King & Hill, 1993; Pscharapoulos & Woodhall, 1985). In spite of that, girls' and women's educational opportunities in many countries continue to be limited, both in absolute terms and in comparison to those of boys and men. Differences in male and female enrollment as a proportion of total enrollment are striking at both the primary and secondary levels in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa particularly. In its 1998 World Education Report, The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) estimated that in Sub-Saharan African countries as many as 70% of girls were not enrolled in primary school in 1995 compared to 30% of boys. The gap widens even more at the secondary and tertiary levels.

Assessing the fact that a worrying majority of girls and women don't have access to education in Sub-Saharan Africa, international development organizations started playing a key role at different levels. NGOs, national governments, UN agencies, and international funding institutions have all recognized the importance of the development of gender-focused programs in term of educational advancement and how crucial it is to amplify the low levels of female access to educational material in many countries.

We understand that educational advancement is of particular importance and therefore want to implement programs in several areas to empower members of the communities we work in. In Togo, compulsory education is supposed to be from age 6 to 15, but as in many other Sub-Saharan countries, children don't have access to classrooms and have to work instead of going to class.

According to the UNESCO, the adult literacy rate in Togo is under the average of the sub-continent, with only 53% of the population (against 59,7 for Sub-Saharan Africa). Togolese education framework is suffering from a lack of government expenditure, since only 2.7% of the gross national product is dedicated to education. By offering access to educational material to community members on how to generate incomes, we hope to empower children, men, and women economically, we strive to inform them on the benefits of healthcare, offer them work opportunities, and create an overall improvement of community control and cohesiveness.

By providing educational material and encouraging education for all, we strive to empower community members and provide them with the tools that will permit a sustainable, enduring overall development. Every project that we implement is paired with the providing of educational material and adapted training.

Because rather than implementing one-time projects, the Foundation provides the keys for a longlasting progress.


We aim to develop educational programs to assist local community members to reach their full potential. We seek to provide a structure in which every individual, disregarding his age, gender, or social status, will have equal access to guidance, knowledge, and training material.

Through education, we encourage independence, coordination between communities' actors, as well as respect towards the environment and cultural diversity.

The Noar Foundation for global community development. 
Donations are tax decuctible in the USA. We are registered in the USA as a 501(c)3 Not-For-Profit Organization
© January 2025 the Noar Foundation